the science part.


The art and science of sound therapy is experiencing a global boom - with many celebrities endorsing the healing power of vibrations and gongs even finding their way onto the likes of Breakfast TV, this ancient tool has never been more contemporary.

Modern science has many solutions for health conditions and especially mental wellbeing concerns, but in the gong community, we believe we have a tool which offers much more therapeutically than we currently have the accredited science to prove.

Which is where Scientia comes in. We are committed to drawing together science and research from practitioners all over the world, in the hope that the combined weight of our work can contribute to a greater understanding of the application of sound therapy for wellbeing, and as a fully validated medical treatment.

how sound works


Sound healing is an ancient therapy that has been used for relaxation and de-stressing as well as healing, particularly at the cellular level

Many instruments and artifacts have been used for sound healing and these include the human voice, tuning forks and of course, gongs.

To understand the concept of healing with sound, one needs to first accept the concept that everything in the Universe is made from energy. There is no ‘solid’ matter, just packets of energy vibrating at different frequencies. Those that vibrate at low frequencies form ‘solid’ matter, those that vibrate at higher energies for ‘liquid’ and gaseous matter, and those at very high energies form various types of electromagnetic radiation such as heat and light. Nonesense? Well, the Ancients have believed this theory for centuries and now modern science in the form of quantum mechanics and related fields are proving this to us ‘modern’ Humans.

All energy vibrates at an optimum frequency, hence all the cells, bone structure and organs of the body vibrate at an optimum frequency. When the body is vibrating at its optimum frequency, you are in the peak of physical health, happiness, contentment and well being. Unfortunately stress (in particular), illness and dis-ease cause a shift in the vibrational energy and this manifests itself as physical ailments or mental disorders.


sounding the future


progress through community…

Scientia Sounds is curating one of the biggest research projects sound has ever seen - and we need YOUR help. Phil is inviting gong practitioners and sound healers to share their field experience and client testimony as part of his project to improve scientific accreditation of the benefits of sound. If we can bring together enough material evidence around the impact our work is having, we hope there will be an opportunity to work with professional researchers to put some concrete medical viability around our practice. Additionally, Phil is creating a library of evidence for shared use by international gong practitioners, detailing the specific results of certain gongs and techniques with individual conditions.